That requires a shift in support, communication and relationships.
This all impacts the way you work, parent, partner, live and breathe in your skin.

The Autumn Immersion calls you to shed your summer skin, so you can shift your beliefs toward serving you and everything you value.
To do that, you have to demystify the fear found within rest and stepping into the darker side of the female cycle and nature.

During this weekend you can expect to;

  • Slow your body down and release tension using Abi’s unique approach to movement that nourishes every body.

  • Tune into your natural powers found within your female health for greater energy, communication and fulfilling relationships.

  • Remember how to worship yourself through the inspirational support you receive this weekend.

  • Ritualistic living guided into the most transformational rituals for modern women in partnership with Ancient & Brave

  • Journal from a deeper intuition found through the most beautiful guided meditations.

  • Unravel beliefs not only from your mind but every cell of your body liberating your emotional landscape and communication.

Unwrapping the art and application of rituals that restore, refresh and inspire powerful emotional health, restoration and creativity.


It's time to harvest your power and turn your attention inward…

The season has changed and so have your needs.

What will our weekend look like?

  • Your mornings are about connecting with nature, your body and breath, moving in a unique way that dissolves any limitations, shame and emotional sticking points. You can choose to walk and take in the early morning light or curl up in bed and enjoy your own space.

  • You shall be served hormone soothing, energy building foods by our incredible chef Rachel Dring who brings together her knowledge, love and passion for food in every plate.

  • You will be guided through the art of seasonality that looks at the cycles of life, woman and medicine, focusing on your unique expression, needs, and wants, and how to create clear communication that allows you to flow with life and not against it.

  • We will visit Merlins Cave in Tintagel where we will evoke a magic of our own using guided meditation, story telling and journalling like you’ve never experienced.

  • Dinners will be held outside by the roaring fire overlooking the immense landscape, taking in all the high energies of life.

  • And our days will come to close around the Coven of fire - a place us witches can cackle, clear the air and bring back to life our sovereignty and soul.

Reclaim Your Space

Your life is filled to the brim, you do not need that here.

In between each event, you will have an abundance of space to relax, kick back, and reset that nervous system of yours before indulging in more great stuff.
This weekend is about reminding you of the wisdom you already hold, not making you feel like you need more.

You will form a truly revelatory relationship with your body, emotions and spirit that will filter through into every relationship you currently hold space for.

Here, you, me, we shall harvest our year so we can see what restored us, what bought deep satisfaction and what fulfilled your purpose.

We will cast away what did not serve us, like the Autumn leaves, they will fall away and feed the energetic earth.

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Sponsored by Ancient and Brave •


These weekends take place at the change of each season and encourage, support and inspire you to bridge all the gaps that take you from feeling less than, overwhelmed (or is that really underwhelmed?), frustrated, and lacking in energy - to greater beliefs about what you think about yourself, being a woman, and how to manage your health.
Abi will be taking you on the greatest hike of your life so you can feel, move, breathe, and engage exactly what you want from your female health and life.

  • Arrive from Friday 27th September, be released back into the world on Monday 30th September

  • Taking place in a historic homestead offering secluded luxury just minutes from the north coast. A heavenly escape awaits at this stunning, lovingly restored 18th-century retreat, tucked away in the glorious countryside close to Boscastle on the north Cornish coast.

    A place where you will have the time and space to feed your soul and free your mind, emotions and body from the burdens of daily life.

    To view the luxurious accommodation on Boutique Retreats, click HERE.

  • This is for those women that hold great power and presence and need a space to honour that.. A space that holds them close and encourages their dynamic spark to express itself through imagination, communication, movement and nature.
    This is for the responsible woman that is crying out for some freedom and exploration to gain a deeper sense of self and identity.
    This is for the woman that wants to forge her place on this planet that doesn’t fit the mold as a mother, coworker, colleague, daughter, partner……

Have a Question?

Can I come alone?

Yes, yes you can.
I am calling in like-minded people, so you might come alone but I can promise you that you will not be alone.
Incredible friendships have been forged and relationships refreshed at these experiences in the past.

What will I need to bring?

Very little - a yoga mat of your own is a joy, a notebook and pen, a book perhaps, your favourite snacks.

Do you offer payment plans?

I absolutely do.
Email me to talk plans and options, I can’t wait to journey with you.


You know there’s more to this journey.

New soul mates, new skills, new passions, new power, new messages, new methods.

I want you to know. Real change is possible. I’ve seen it and felt it.

It starts within, it’s already bubbling away calling you to action.

It’s in our heritage, in our bones.

It’s an intimate and universal revolution. You don’t have to wait for someone else to make this happen, you can call it into being right here.

If you haven’t met me yet, I’m Abi.

Together we’re going to revitalise your approach toward your health and wellbeing, creating a greater understanding of what it is to be a human.

Change is here - a change that will bring about greater clarity, balance, strength, opportunities, and understanding to all of us.

Make the investment in yourself,
and join me for the restorative journey.

Hello my darling.