Your small intestine energy & the similarities of perimenopause

How does it feel to hold your power in your body?

Did you know there are 48 symptoms for peri/menopause (click here to see list)? These appear to be growing on an annual basis. But a few you may know personally are:

  • Brain fog

  • Confusion

  • Anxiety

Having arrived at the cusp of this phase of life, I’m now using all of my movement, emotional coaching, and Functional Kinesiology to lessen the impact of my choices made in my younger years (lots of alcohol/drugs, emotional ignorance, a misunderstanding of nutrition and not understanding my menstrual cycle).

Having studied Traditional Chinese Medicine approaches as part of my Functional Kinesiology, I’m fascinated by the similarities between an out-of-balance fire element, more importantly, the small intestine meridian, and the symptoms of perimenopause.

The nickname for the small intestine is the sorter, separating out the good from the not-so-good from your nutrition (as well as your surroundings). The small intestine can become easily overloaded what with all the organising it has to do. A weakened small intestine may:

  • Become easily overwhelmed by a job it’s used too

  • Feel brain fogged - fuzzy headed, muddled and unable to think clearly

  • Overly emotional and sensitive

Don’t they look a lot like perimenopausal symptoms?!

Your small intestine is part of a greater conversation between your liver and bowel in regard to assimilating, digesting, and excreting old hormones and toxins, with a specific type of oestrogen being produced here (the estrobolome). We can see how important a healthy small intestine and digestion are in regard to harmonious hormones, healthy periods, and reducing female health-related symptoms.

Having experienced digestive issues for most of my life, I know how important this area of my health is in regard to feeling confident about my female health. These symptoms can include migraines, physical aches and pains and fatigue.

What I LOVE about approaching the fire element and the small intestines is the sound associated with this laughing and the emotion joy.

This confirms to me what I’ve been advocating for a long time; that perimenopause is a time of celebration for women. A time to start easing up on proving themselves and opening up to the opportunity for life to come to you.

So let’s make joy and laughter an integral part of female health!

This can feel hard when you’ve neglected your emotional health AND when you have a lot of commitments. And this is where I step in and make this easier, clearer, and more fun.

Are you ready to reclaim your emotional landscapes my darlings?

Because it's right here.

Big love

Abi x

I’ll be curating a deeply nourishing and exciting approach to perimenopause health that includes the above through movement, nutrition, and emotional strength. I offer 1:1 and group support. Click here to book a chat.


I want to understand. Period.


A psychedelic perimenopausal celebration