I want to understand. Period.
What I see now is women understanding that what has happened in the past does not have to create their future. This is powerful. We realise we can’t change society unless we change ourselves because we are society. When we change society changes and this will be the stepping stone toward equality, in not only female health but all health. Because when one gender is out of balance all genders are out of balance.
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@jentheodore?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash">Jen Theodore</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/photos/woman-holding-signage-InHfUJK8GQk?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash">Unsplash</a>
Your small intestine energy & the similarities of perimenopause
I’m supporting the celebration of perimenopause for women who are ready to transition into their full power and highest energy
A psychedelic perimenopausal celebration
I’m supporting the celebration of perimenopause for women who are ready to transition in their full power and highest energy
What do my emotions look like?
Your emotions are the foundation of your health because the way you see yourself is the way you feel yourself and every aspect of life.
The way you walk, the way you talk,the way you do everything…
Walking your talk requires you to FEEL it more than you vocalise it. But what are you feeling underneath your feet?
What is feminine health?
You don’t have to burn out to make great changes toward the way you live.
When do you have more energy during your menstrual cycle?
Where can you find more power and energy in your menstrual cycle?
I found my period at 31.
I bloody love my period. It’s changed my life for the greater. But it wasn’t always like that…..
Taking the flake out of your female health?
And I’m not talking about the flake you find in a Mr Whippy!
How often have you started some healthy plan/goal only to fall out of sync and love with it when it doesn’t fit in with your day-to-day life?
I want to celebrate the fact that the above has NOTHING to do with your ability to be healthy. It’s to do with society not valuing or appreciating female health and what it really needs.
I needed to hear that, thanks Abi
How often do you push through when you're feeling overwhelmed (or is that underwhelmed?), under-resourced and under-appreciated? Pushing hard when there's no fuel in the tank, making everything feel like hard work (wwwwwwwwhhhyyyyyyyyyyy)! And then someone brings you a cuppa and asks if you need some help, and all that hard shit seems to just melt ❤️
I’ve not been searching for permission after all
Anger has driven me for a long time. And that emotion created an action of defensiveness. I defend myself even when I don’t need to, which has been a deep groove to climb out of. I notice this emotional reaction shows up a lot in the later half of my cycle, the luteal phase/Inner Autumn. A time when my internal defenses come down and I’m left standing there naked, feeling like I need someone to rescue me.
She. He. They = Together 🌈 Creating An Inclusive Conversation
Why is this female health important to every other gender? Because when she does well, he and they do well. We can only thrive together if we’re in it together. And with women striving for more research, information, and support, we’re now seeing doors open to other aspects of men's and nonbinary needs.
It’s Not Cheap, But Nothing This Great Is
You can’t think value you have to feel it. And that’s what Project Woman does, it makes you feel how much you value yourself and how that’s impacting your life, which can hurt.